Python Asyncio port scanner

1 minute read

Today I needed to scan a few thousands of network devices on some ports and of course I needed some kind of concurrency. And here below is a quick, dirty and mostly crappy implementation of asyncio port scanning. Use at your own risk.

import asyncio
import time

now = time.time()

async def check_port(ip, port, loop):
        conn = asyncio.open_connection(ip, port, loop=loop)
                reader, writer = await asyncio.wait_for(conn, timeout=3)
                print(ip, port, 'ok')
                return (ip, port, True)
                print(ip, port, 'nok')
                return (ip, port, False)

async def run(dests, ports, loop):
        tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(check_port(d, p, loop)) for d in dests for p in ports]
        responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        return responses

dests = ['asgdshdsgagşilkı', '', '']
ports = [22, 23]

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(run(dests, ports, loop))
print('Results: ', future.result())
print('Total time: ', time.time() - now)

And the output:

> python
asgdshdsgagşilkı 22 nok
asgdshdsgagşilkı 23 nok 22 nok 23 nok 23 nok 22 nok
Results:  [('asgdshdsgagşilkı', 22, False), ('asgdshdsgagşilkı', 23, False), ('', 22, False), ('', 23, False), ('', 22, False), ('', 23, False)]
Total time:  21.0092453956604

A quick note: If you run this script on a Windows machine for lots of destination address, you’ll most likely get a ValueError like this. “ValueError: too many file descriptors in select()” Since I have a Linux machine, I didn’t bother searching a solution.

Update: The solution for this problem is using asyncio.Semaphore. It limits the maximum concurrent connection. Source.

async def check_port(ip, port, loop):
        conn = asyncio.open_connection(ip, port, loop=loop)
                reader, writer = await asyncio.wait_for(conn, timeout=3)
                print(ip, port, 'ok')
                return (ip, port, True)
                print(ip, port, 'nok')
                return (ip, port, False)

async def check_port_sem(sem, ip, port, loop):
        async with sem:
                return await check_port(ip, port, loop)

async def run(dests, ports, loop):
        sem = asyncio.Semaphore(400) #Change this value for limitation
        tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(check_port_sem(sem, d, p, loop)) for d in dests for p in ports]
        responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        return responses

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